Hiroki Takajo
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Hiroki Takajo

高城 弘貴(たかじょう ひろき), Hiroki Takajo, 高城弘贵
Original Name: 高城 弘貴(たかじょう ひろき)


Nia Honjou, who writes under the male pen name "Honjou Souji," is a female manga artist who wears glasses. To find out why Nia has come to love only the two-dimensional world, Kotori Itsuka used the Ratatoskr network to locate Hiroki Takajo. Then, using Ratatoskr's connections, Kotori and Shidou Itsuka met with Hiroki Takajo, and because Kotori knew Honjou Souji's real name, they trusted her and talked about Honjou Souji's behavior before he disappeared.
After recovering from an injury received from Artemisia, Nia has resumed her interactions with her.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 12:51 p.m.)

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