Kazuhiko Satou
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Kazuhiko Satou

佐藤一彦(さとう かずひこ), Kazuhiko Satou, 佐藤一彦
Original Name: 佐藤一彦(さとう かずひこ)


Privilege Production Department "Explosion Authority"
No rights
Suginami Second High School, 1st Year Class A
16 years old, male
He is not good at studies or sports, but his friendly and cheerful nature is his forte. He also has the courage to sacrifice himself. Nicknamed Ippiko. In the first part, he secretly acquires the privilege of "Explosion Authority" and, in the final strategy to defeat the Emperor, entrusts his friends and detonates a power plant at close range, sacrificing himself. In the second part, it is revealed that he is still alive due to the "Stop Authority." After his revival, he becomes a major force in defeating the queen.
In an 8-panel comic, he mainly plays the fool in the third panel.

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(Last edited time: July 2, 2024, 11:43 p.m.)

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