Woody Baila
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Woody Baila

ウーディ, Woody Baila, 乌迪·贝拉
Original Name: ウーディ


A male court magician. A handsome man with manners as impeccable as his beauty, rivaling that of a woman. Known by the nickname "Mobile Artillery," he possesses magical talents comparable to Hibiki and also serves as a strategist within the party. Surprisingly, he is married.
After the defeat at Fort Stella, he was worried about Hibiki, who could not recover from the death of Navarre. Under the pretext of "acquiring new weapons," he moved the party, but this inadvertently led to an encounter with Mio, once known as the "Calamity Black Spider."

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(Last edited time: June 14, 2024, 3:13 p.m.)

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