Kyouhei Kannazuki
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Kyouhei Kannazuki

神無月 恭平(かんなづき きょうへい), Kyouhei Kannazuki, 神无月恭平
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Original Name: 神無月 恭平(かんなづき きょうへい)


The vice-commander of . 28 years old. A handsome man but a masochistic pervert who dislikes large breasts. When choosing options on dates, he almost always picks answers that lead to dirty jokes, resulting in being ignored or punished by Kotori, but far from repenting, he enjoys it as a hardcore pervert.
His command ability in dating operations is hopeless, but his command ability in actual combat and his skills in operating and controlling manifestation devices surpass those of ordinary sorcerers, and in this regard, he is fully trusted by Kotori.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 12:52 p.m.)

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