Yō Hatori
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Yō Hatori

羽鳥 葉(はとり よう), Yō Hatori, 羽鸟叶
Gender: Male
Original Name: 羽鳥 葉(はとり よう)


The next concertmaster of the Symphonic Orchestra Club. 1st violin. Second-year student.
Friendly personality. Also a member of the dance club, frequently alternating between activities of both clubs, which leads to strict criticism from Harada. Gets along well with fellow second-seat player Himeko Susono and Takimoto, but does not receive favorable treatment from Sakuma. Was not often seen at club activities, but their technical skill is solid, admired even by junior Hajime Aono. Decides to dedicate solely to the orchestra club upon retiring in their third year.

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(Last edited time: June 15, 2024, 6:28 p.m.)

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