Tsukihi Araragi

Tsukihi Araragi

阿良々木 月火(あららぎ つきひ), 阿良良木月火
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Height: 156cm
Blood Type: B
Voice Actor: Yuka Iguchi
Featured Anime: Bakemonogatari

Character Introduction

The girl of the cuckoo. Second year middle school student. Her first full appearance is in "Karen Bee." Main character in "Tsukihi Phoenix," "Koyomi Tea," and "Tsukihi Undo." She is the younger of Koyomi's two sisters, and together with her older sister Karen, they are known as the "Fire Sisters of Tsuganoki Second Middle School." She is in charge of strategy and self-proclaims to be "justice itself." Born in early April, height: 156 cm. Blood type: B. She has an older boyfriend taller than herself named "Rousokuzawa-kun" (details unknown but seems to resemble Koyomi, similar to "Mizudori-kun").
Despite her quiet appearance, she is actually more temperamental than Koyomi or Karen, and her ferocity is well-known in town, but she can also suppress her emotions instantly, showing her calmness. She also has a wide circle of friends and has been interacting with Nadeko since elementary school, having brought her home several times.
At home, she usually wears a kimono and joined the tea ceremony club in middle school because "you get to wear kimonos," but unlike Karen, she also wears skirts and dresses, the so-called "girly" clothes. Additionally, her hair grows quickly, so she frequently changes her hairstyle. By the time of "Yotsugi Doll," she stopped cutting her hair as a wish for Koyomi's success and Nadeko's social reintegration.
Her catchphrase is "Platinum annoying."
In fact, she is not human but a supernatural being called "Shide no Tori" (later explained) that mimics a human. Therefore, she can heal from injuries that would normally be fatal to a human. Her fast hair growth is also due to this. She is completely unaware of this fact, but Koyomi knows her true identity, and Karen has realized that she is not human.
Five years later, in "Musubimonogatari," she had been studying abroad but dropped out and returned to Japan. Now, she plans to attend a dance school and dance in a casino.

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(Last edited time: Sept. 16, 2024, 12:03 a.m.)

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