Sakutarou Yanagihara
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Sakutarou Yanagihara

柳原朔太郎(やなぎはら さくたろう), Sakutarou Yanagihara, 柳原朔太郎
Original Name: 柳原朔太郎(やなぎはら さくたろう)


Title holder in shogi. Currently the oldest active player at 66 years old (though he casually claims to be "before retirement age").
He has won a total of 14 titles, including 9 terms as a Kisho title holder. Although he was a late bloomer compared to his peer Jinguji, he is still enlisted in the A-class league. He shares a close relationship with Jinguji, affectionately calling each other "Toku-chan" and "Saku-chan." His playing style against younger opponents is described as fluttering and teasing. After a fierce battle in the 33rd Kisho Tournament, he won the title defense match against Shimada, securing the lifetime title of Kisho. He has also won the Meijin title as a former Rookie King. From his days in the encouragement association, he has a superstition that he loses when Jinguji is watching.
In the spin-off "Scorching Era," he appears as one of the main characters. He has known Jinguji since their boyhood. In "Scorching Era," he is often manipulated by Jinguji and Iwasaki (mentioned later), playing a more comedic role than in the main series. Although his younger days are depicted in the main series, his appearance slightly differs between "Scorching Era" and the main series.

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(Last edited time: June 11, 2024, 5:08 p.m.)

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