Chiho Sakura
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Chiho Sakura

佐倉ちほ(さくら ちほ), Chiho Sakura, 佐仓千穗
Original Name: 佐倉ちほ(さくら ちほ)


Hinata's classmate and childhood friend since elementary school. Shortly after advancing to the third year of junior high school, she began to be bullied by classmates led by Megumi Takagi and started missing school frequently. She then moved to Iwate, where her father was on a work assignment. She is currently receiving counseling at a mental health care center, where she also helps with farming. She continues to communicate with Hinata through letters and they reunited during the summer vacation.

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(Last edited time: June 11, 2024, 5:11 p.m.)

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