Kaguya Yamai
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Kaguya Yamai

八舞 耶倶矢(やまい かぐや), Kaguya Yamai, 八舞耶俱矢
Gender: Female
Original Name: 八舞 耶倶矢(やまい かぐや)


Her hair is tied up at the back of her head, and she wears shackles with torn chains on her right wrist and ankle as part of her spirit gear. She speaks in a theatrical tone, like a so-called queen, which is a performance to maintain the dignity of a spirit. However, when she gets angry, she invariably shows her true self and speaks normally, and when excited, her speech ends with "~dashi." Compared to Yuzuru, she feels a bit complex about her childish physique. Also, when deciding on the names of her techniques, she uses a German book, marking her favorites, and is a severe case of chuunibyou, possessing a painfully awkward personality. In the drama CD, she calls Kurumi her master, admiring her cool demeanor and lines, and seeks guidance from her.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 5:40 p.m.)

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