Kotoha Hashibira
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Kotoha Hashibira

嘴平 琴葉(はしびら ことは), Kotoha Hashibira, 嘴平琴叶
Gender: Female
Original Name: 嘴平 琴葉(はしびら ことは)


Inosuke Hashibira's real mother. She resembles Inosuke in appearance. She used to sing the finger-cutting song to Inosuke. According to Douma, she was slow-witted but had sharp instincts.
She suffered violence from her husband and mother-in-law (which caused her to lose sight in one eye). When her husband attempted to be violent towards Inosuke shortly after his birth, she fled the house with Inosuke and joined the "Bansei Gokuraku-kyo," a cult led by Douma.
Initially, Douma did not target her for predation, but she became a target for elimination after witnessing him consuming his followers. While being pursued by Douma, she attempted to escape with Inosuke but ultimately threw him off a cliff to protect him, and she herself was consumed by Douma.

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(Last edited time: June 24, 2024, 3:28 p.m.)

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