Suguru Getou
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Suguru Getou

夏油 傑(げとう すぐる), Suguru Getou, 夏油杰
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Original Name: 夏油 傑(げとう すぐる)


A special grade curse user known as "the worst curse user." His parents were non-sorcerers. He was once the "only best friend" of Satoru Gojou, and they used to call each other by their first names. A man with long black hair, often seen wearing a Gojou priest's robe and frequently sporting a fearless smile. He is about the same height as Gojou (over 190 cm). Like Gojou, he is elusive and occasionally provokes his opponents. From his experiences during his school days, he aimed to "eliminate non-sorcerers and create a world only for sorcerers." He warmly treated his fellow sorcerers as "family," and even if they were enemies, he showed great respect, especially to younger sorcerers. On the other hand, he despised non-sorcerers to the extent of calling them "monkeys," generally treating them coldly (though he could be superficially friendly), and would not hesitate to curse and kill even those he was cooperating with once they were no longer useful. He uses a technique called "Curse Spirit Manipulation," which allows him to control curse spirits freely, making them surrender and swallowing them as spherical clusters of cursed energy. Once a curse spirit is ingested, it can be released or absorbed without a medium, and there is no limit to the number of curse spirits he can absorb, but if there is a master-servant relationship with a human, that human must be killed. He cannot share the vision of the curse spirits but can sense if they have been exorcised. However, he feels discomfort when ingesting the clusters of cursed energy through his mouth. It is unknown what happens to the curse spirits he has absorbed if Getou dies; they could potentially go berserk. His main combat style involves using curse spirits for remote attacks like a Shikigami user, but he is also strong in hand-to-hand combat and can handle close combat. He always has cursed tools available, thanks to a curse spirit (originally kept by Touji) that can store objects. During his fight with Otobone, he used a special grade cursed tool, a three-section staff called "Yuun." A former student of the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, he was classmates with Satoru Gojou and Ieiri Shoko. He and his best friend Gojou were renowned as the strongest during their second year at the technical college. During his student days, he was more sensible than Gojou, who was often insolent and reckless, and often played the role of keeping him in check. Initially, he believed that "sorcerers exist to protect non-sorcerers." During their second year in the Kaigyoku arc (at that time a first-grade sorcerer), he and Gojou were tasked with guarding Riko Amanai, a star plasma vessel, and defeated curse users targeting the star plasma vessels, including "Q." However, on the final day of the mission, the technical college was attacked by Touji Fushiguro, who killed Amanai, and Getou was defeated. Afterward, when he and Gojou went to retrieve Amanai's body from the Bansei Sect's "Vessel of Time" meeting, seeing the applause and smiles of the Bansei Sect followers made him question the purpose of protecting non-sorcerers. By his third year during the Tamaori arc, he had become a special grade sorcerer. However, the pain of continuously absorbing curse spirits and his doubts about protecting non-sorcerers gradually began to shake his beliefs. Conversations with Tsukumo and the death of his junior, Yuu Haibara, further destabilized his convictions. Then, after meeting the abused sorcerers Nanako and Mimiko in a village on a mission, he finally chose to openly dislike "monkeys" (non-sorcerers). He then massacred all 112 villagers and, stating that he could not treat them specially just because they were his real family, he also killed his own parents, leading to his designation for execution by the upper echelons of the sorcerer community. After declaring his "great cause" of creating "a world for sorcerers" to Ieiri and Gojou in Shinjuku, he parted ways with them. Later, he gathered the leaders of the Bansei Sect through an intermediary named Kyo and killed the representative director, Sonoda, in front of the leaders, taking over the Bansei Sect. He then used the religious organization he established as a lure to gather curses and money from followers, while also gathering fellow curse users he called "family." In the prequel "Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical High School," on the night of the Hyakki Yako, he infiltrated the technical college alone to acquire the special grade vengeful cursed spirit, Noritoshi Kamo, whom he had long been interested in, and engaged in a fierce battle with the student Otobone, who was possessed by her, ultimately being defeated and finished off by his former best friend Gojou. However, someone later stole Getou's body and took over his corpse. The special grade cursed tool "Yuun" used in the battle with Otobone was stored by the technical college. Kouryuu (Rain Dragon) A curse spirit he used during the Kaigyoku and Tamaori arcs. Its grade is unknown. It has the appearance of a dragon and was the hardest curse spirit Getou had at the time. It was exorcised by Touji. Kuchisake-Onna (Slit-Mouthed Woman) A fictional vengeful spirit he used during the Kaigyoku and Tamaori arcs. Its grade is unknown. It deploys a "Simple Domain" that enforces inviolability until a question is answered. It was exorcized by Touji. Incarnated Tamamo-no-Mae A special grade fictional vengeful spirit (registered with the technical college). It was used against Otobone and Rika during the Hyakki Yako but was exorcised. Goku no Ban "Uzumaki" Combines the curse spirits he possesses into a super-dense mass of cursed energy and launches it at the opponent. While it sacrifices frequency, it can extract and use the technique of the curse spirits used, provided they are at least semi-first grade.

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(Last edited time: June 18, 2024, 12:15 p.m.)

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