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ダレス, Daleth, 妲蕾丝
Gender: Female
Original Name: ダレス


A witch who serves as the boss of the demon world. She specializes in enchantment magic.
She observes the human world through the eyes of animals. She wears a white nun's habit, a gift from her father, but is often mistaken and feared for her twin sister, Shade, due to her appearance. Shade and she have different hairstyles and eye colors.
Once, Shade scarred her face for the sole reason that it was confusing because they looked alike. This trauma led her to wear a skull mask and instilled a sense of inferiority and fear of Shade. However, when her true face was seen by accident, Walter complimented her on her appearance, helping her to overcome her fears and choose to show her true face.
Afterward, she becomes lovers with Walter. She retires as the boss of the witches and begins preparations for a ritual to become human to be with him.

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(Last edited time: June 17, 2024, 4:12 p.m.)

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