Ellen Mira Mathers
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Ellen Mira Mathers

エレン・ミラ・メイザース, Ellen Mira Mathers, 艾莲·米拉·梅瑟斯
Original Name: エレン・ミラ・メイザース


The head of DEM Corporation's secret division, the Second Execution Department, and the world's strongest magician. She is effectively the second in command at DEM Corporation with the code name Adeptus 1. A beautiful woman known for her long Nordic blonde hair. She wears the CR-Unit "Pendragon." Among magicians, she is known by the nickname "Eternal Mathers." Her manner of speaking is polite, but she possesses an absolute confidence in her own formidable abilities.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 12:47 p.m.)

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