Tonomachi Hiroto
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Tonomachi Hiroto

殿町 宏人(とのまち ひろと), Tonomachi Hiroto, 殿町宏人
Gender: Male
Original Name: 殿町 宏人(とのまち ひろと)


A classmate and friend of Shidou. He is characterized by his hair styled with wax standing up. Known as the class informant, he is an expressive and lively boy. Like a typical adolescent boy, he is very interested in romance and erotic topics. However, in the "Boyfriend Ranking" he organized, he finished 358th out of 358, and in the "Best School Couple Chosen by Fujoshi," he and Shidou ranked second, receiving a cold response from the female students. Because of this, he envies Shidou, who is favored by Tooka and Origami.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 4:57 p.m.)

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