Shinzo Yozakura
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Shinzo Yozakura

夜桜 辛三(よざくら しんぞう), Shinzo Yozakura, 夜樱辛三
Gender: Male
Original Name: 夜桜 辛三(よざくら しんぞう)


The third child (second son) of the Yozakura family. A gold-level spy. Born on March 3rd, 19 years old. Height 193 cm. Blood type O.
A muscular, large-framed young man with green hair, and an expert in weaponry. He has such a timid personality that even his younger sister Shion looks down on him, and initially always stayed inside a garbage can tank labeled "No. 3".
Since childhood, he has been one with weaponry, even using a magnum bullet as a pacifier to sleep. At the age of 10, he was already handling rifles, and now at 19, he cannot sleep without his homemade bullet-filled pillow at 100% capacity. His room is also connected to an armory.
He finds peace by counting the number of bullets in a gun or the diameter of ammunition, and calms down when told the story of "Momotaro." He's so skilled that he can turn anything familiar to him, like a fork, into a powerful weapon, but would readily give it up if something more important, like a hostage, was at stake.
Although he's still useless without a weapon, he's slowly getting used to it. On the other hand, he’s very family-oriented and cares deeply for Mutsumi, Taiyo, and the rest of the family. Conversely, when angered, he becomes very scary, to the extent that the intimidated Taiyo, Kengo, and Nanao stayed cautious around him for several days.
In the battle against Noumen, he coordinated with Taiyo and used his special weapon "Spring Thunder" to win.
He can handle scary things like weapons, but cannot counter with his "Blossoming" when it comes to precious things, like his family. During "Blossoming," he uses golden yellow and destroys everything.
During Taiyo's silver spy promotion exam, he was in charge of the first stage. At first, he overwhelmed Taiyo, who hesitated to fight, but once Taiyo let go of his hesitation, they had an equal match. Even when Taiyo initiated coordination with other participants, including Usa, he didn't fall behind, but he became unsettled when he realized Taiyo could be safe from his own technique, which let Taiyo exploit the opening and pass the first stage of the exam.

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(Last edited time: April 5, 2024, 9:20 p.m.)

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