Michiyo Gotō
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Michiyo Gotō

後藤 美智代(ごとう みちよ), Michiyo Gotō, 后藤美智代
Gender: Female
Original Name: 後藤 美智代(ごとう みちよ)


Birthday: April 3 / Blood Type: A
Mother of the Gotō sisters. Like Hitori and Futari, she has pink hair. She is always worried about her shy daughter Hitori. When Kita came to the house, she tried to liven up the atmosphere and even happily dressed up in a school uniform for the first time in 21 years. She and her husband support the cable tie band, and for that reason, she once dressed up as a student. During that time, she used the gyaru slang popular in the late '90s, which also became a topic of discussion on social media featured in the story.

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(Last edited time: April 18, 2024, 2:26 p.m.)

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