Manabu Yasui
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Manabu Yasui

安井学(やすい まなぶ), Manabu Yasui, 安井学
Gender: Male
Original Name: 安井学(やすい まなぶ)


He's a 6th dan. Normally humble and timid, but known to indulge in alcohol and gambling when he loses. His divorce was settled, but his daughter had told him she wanted to stay with her dad until Christmas. On Christmas Day, he plays a match against Rei Kiriyama, but loses his will to fight and is defeated due to a mistake in the middle game. After the match, Rei comes to deliver the Christmas present he purposely left behind for his daughter, and he opens up about his shortcomings, disturbing Rei's emotions.

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(Last edited time: June 11, 2024, 4:48 p.m.)

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