Tamae Okamine
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Tamae Okamine

岡峰 珠恵(おかみね たまえ), Tamae Okamine, 冈峰珠惠
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Original Name: 岡峰 珠恵(おかみね たまえ)


Shido and his classmates' female homeroom teacher. 29 years old. Known affectionately as "Tama-chan" by her students due to her slightly ill-fitting glasses, laid-back personality, and her youthful, petite appearance that makes her look the same age as her students. However, being 29 and single, she has a strong desire to get married. Since receiving Shido's confession (during training), she has been carrying a marriage registration form and attending matchmaking parties.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 12:53 p.m.)

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