The Duke
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The Duke

坊ちゃん(ぼっちゃん), The Duke, 少爷
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Original Name: 坊ちゃん(ぼっちゃん)


A noble boy. His real name was not revealed until episode 218, where it was discovered to be Victor. Since the age of five, he has been living in a large mansion in the forest, separated from his family due to a curse placed on him by a witch. He excels at playing the piano. He is troubled by "reverse sexual harassment" from Alice. He is gentle towards everyone, but shows anger towards those who harm Alice or unrelated individuals.
From his admiration for his grandfather who died when he was young, he has come to favor wearing a black silk hat. As the eldest son, he is expected to be the next head of the family, but if the curse is not broken by spring, he will be disowned by his mother.

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(Last edited time: June 17, 2024, 4:11 p.m.)

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