Ritta Kanade
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Ritta Kanade

花奏 律太(かなで りった), Ritta Kanade, 花奏律太
Gender: Male
Original Name: 花奏 律太(かなで りった)


Suzu's younger brother. A sixth-grade elementary school boy.
He has known Matsuri since they were young through his sister Suzu. He and his parents recognize Matsuri, who has transitioned to a woman, as "someone they thought was a man but turned out to be a woman," but he misunderstands her relationship with his sister Suzu as being more than it is. He has a calm personality, but he is at an age where he blushes at the sight of Matsuri's feminine appearance.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 1:04 p.m.)

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