Ponosuke Ninokuru
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Ponosuke Ninokuru

二ノ曲 ポ之助(にのくる ポのすけ), Ponosuke Ninokuru, 二之曲波之助, はとてんぐ, 鳩天狗
Original Name: 二ノ曲 ポ之助(にのくる ポのすけ)


A spirit resembling a small pigeon dressed as a mountain ascetic, serving as Soga Ninokuru's Shiki (familiar spirit). Speaks politely, ending sentences with "~po."
Swearing loyalty to Soga Ninokuru, who saved it from being attacked by a stray cat, it becomes a good confidant.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 1:04 p.m.)

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