Sousuke Hinojiki
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Sousuke Hinojiki

日喰 想介(ひのじき そうすけ), Sousuke Hinojiki, 日喰想介
Gender: Male
Original Name: 日喰 想介(ひのじき そうすけ)


A beautiful young boy transformed into a supernatural being. He refers to himself as "I." Once merely a spirit, he evolved into the "Gourmet of Spirits" by continuously devouring smaller spirits and stealing their essence, eventually confronting Shirogane. Currently lurking in Hokusa High School to devour the essence of Suzu, the present spirit priestess, he kidnaps her but is overwhelmed when he confronts Matsuri and a temporarily reverted Shirogane. After a fierce battle with Matsuri, who has returned to being a man, he is defeated. Just before vanishing, he is secretly saved by Kagemei, but loses most of his power and is left in a wounded, child-like state. Despite feeling hungry, he loses his appetite and questions his existence until Matsuri and Suzu remove a black origami embedded inside him by Kagemei, resetting his existence. Grateful to Matsuri and Suzu, he sets out on a journey to redefine himself as a reborn, fresh spirit, but is lost until he encounters Lucy. Liked by her, he lies about his age as 20 and secures a job as an apprentice butler in the Tsukioka family. During a battle with Medusa, a spirit inhabiting an artwork bought by the Tsukioka family from abroad, he awakens a new ability, "Magabami."

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 1:11 p.m.)

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