Tae-Hoon Seong
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Tae-Hoon Seong

新庄 玲央(しんじょう れお) / 성태훈(ソン・テフン), Tae-Hoon Seong, 新庄玲央
Gender: Male
Original Name: 新庄 玲央(しんじょう れお) / 성태훈(ソン・テフン)


A former Taekwondo athlete who picks fights by asking opponents in the game center if they have "100 yen". A cool and handsome guy, his appearance in videos triggers a flood of fan comments. After losing to Shimura, he becomes somewhat aloof but starts cooperating with video streaming. He also launches his own channel "Teko Leo TV", gaining 100,000 subscribers even before uploading any videos. His father is also a former Taekwondo athlete and currently runs a dojo. He has a past where he lost his friend, Kei Takuma, in a fight with a biker gang, and he cannot stand those who live as their parents' "puppets" like his friend did.

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(Last edited time: April 11, 2024, 10:59 p.m.)

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