Moon-Sung Kim
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Moon-Sung Kim

扇 達也(おうぎ たつや) / 김문성(キム・ムンソン), Moon-Sung Kim, 扇达也
Gender: Male
Original Name: 扇 達也(おうぎ たつや) / 김문성(キム・ムンソン)


Shimura's classmate and a mixed martial arts fighter. He watches self-taught fighting videos and, despite being an amateur, recognizes Shimura's potential in fighting. He has been friends with Asamiya since elementary school and is jealous of Shimura, who is close to her.
He used to be the No. 2 of the biker gang "Skid," but after meeting Logan Gracie, he started to use his strength in martial arts. He lost to Shinjo in a fight during his biker gang days but took his revenge in a mixed martial arts match.

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(Last edited time: April 11, 2024, 10:59 p.m.)

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