Ru-Mi Yeo
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Ru-Mi Yeo

目黒 ルミ(めぐろ ルミ) / 여루미(ヨ・ルミ), Ru-Mi Yeo, 目黑璐美
Gender: Female
Original Name: 目黒 ルミ(めぐろ ルミ) / 여루미(ヨ・ルミ)


Shimura's classmate and a beauty YouTuber. Collaborated with Hamaken in videos and was a bystander to the bullying of Shimura, but as the popularity of self-taught fighting increased, she wished to collaborate with Shimura. She is liked by Michinari, but Rumi herself is attracted to Shimura's kindness.
Shimura thought she was a rich young lady, but in reality, she lives alone in a small apartment and doesn't even know her parents' faces. To counter the revelations made by Sayuki, she revealed her true background on YouTube.

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(Last edited time: April 11, 2024, 10:58 p.m.)

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