Yoshiaki Saitou
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Yoshiaki Saitou

斎藤 義明(さいとう よしあき), Yoshiaki Saitou, 斋藤义明
Gender: Male
Original Name: 斎藤 義明(さいとう よしあき)


The eldest son of Ine and Shouzou. He works as a company employee. Initially, he was perplexed by the rejuvenation of Shouzou and Ine, but with his wife Kaede and daughter Mino, he became a good supporter of the two after their rejuvenation. According to Shouzou, he closely resembles Shouzou's deceased father. He had a rebellious phase during his school days.

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(Last edited time: April 9, 2024, 5:43 p.m.)

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