Tooka Yatogami
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Tooka Yatogami

夜刀神 十香(やとがみ とおか), Tooka Yatogami, 夜刀神十香
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Original Name: 夜刀神 十香(やとがみ とおか)


The main heroine of the work. A spirit girl who appeared in front of Shido with a huge explosion. A breathtakingly beautiful girl with night-colored hair down to her knees and crystal-like eyes. Since she had no name, she was named "Tooka" after April 10th, the day she first met Shido. Although she is essentially 0 years old as she has just appeared on the surface, she is considered to be 16 years old thanks to Shido and others. It is unclear how she performs academically, but she seems to be able to write common kanji at least.
She is an unparalleled glutton, consuming enough food to deplete an entire store, which always astonishes Shido and empties his wallet. According to her, she has a constitution that allows her to eat a frying pan without dying. Her favorite food is kinako bread, which was the first thing she ate on the surface.
She uses archaic language, pronouncing long vowels as "ァ", "ィ", "ゥ", "ェ", "ォ" (for example, "date" as "デェト", "cookie" as "クッキィ"), calls lunch "hiruge" and money "kinsu". She usually calls people by their kanji names, but refers to Shido in katakana as "Shidou" and used to call Origami by her full name "Tobiichi Origami" until Origami became a spirit, after which she started calling her by her name. In the anime version, due to the voice actor's intonation, long vowels are pronounced normally.
She has a bright and pure heart but lacks knowledge of human society. Even after blending in with humans, she often misinterprets things and acts innocently and childishly, which sometimes leads to her being considered clueless by those around her.
Her identifier is "Princess". Her spirit gear is a purple armor and dress-like regal spirit gear "Divine Gear: Adonai Melekh". Her manifested angel is a giant throne and a great sword "Sandalphon" contained therein. By integrating the subdivided throne and sword, it becomes "The Last Sword (Harvanhelev)", which can split mountains with its tremendous destructive power. However, if she miscontrols her power, it can go berserk. Additionally, concentrating all her power into the sword makes her momentarily defenseless. There is also an "Armor (Retrivsh)" form where the subdivided throne is worn like armor over her entire body.
In her reversed form, she wears a black regal spirit gear and uses the great sword of the black throne "Nahemah", and by integrating with the throne, she emits a black light that can obliterate anything it touches, becoming "The Sword of Demise (Peivashhelev)". Her personality also changes to a cruel and tyrannical one, unlike the Tooka before reversal.
When asked whether he prioritizes character personality or physical features (looks) when creating a new character, Tachibana stated that in Tooka's case, it is a simultaneous process.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 5:38 p.m.)

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