Anna Yamada
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Anna Yamada

山田 杏奈(やまだ あんな), Anna Yamada, 山田杏奈
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Original Name: 山田 杏奈(やまだ あんな)


The heroine of this work. A tall and beautiful girl (171.9 cm) who is a classmate of Kyotaro and works as a magazine model under the stage name "Anna Akiyama." She is at the top of the school caste, a popular figure in her class. She often hangs out with her friends Kobayashi, Sekine, and Yoshida at school. She is usually called by her last name, and only Sekine, Kana, and her manager call her by her first name, aside from her family. She has a natural and laid-back personality, with some airheaded moments. She also has a strong appetite, and despite the school's ban on bringing snacks, she goes out of her way to secretly eat them on campus.
At the beginning of the story, she wasn't particularly aware of Kyotaro, but later realizes that he has been helping her, and she starts to show her affection in her own way. As the story progresses, she starts visiting the library more often and eventually realizes her feelings for Kyotaro, though later than he does. Throughout the story, several boys, including Adachi and Nanjo, try to woo her, and she uses her friends' help to deal with them, but once she recognizes her feelings for Kyotaro, she becomes more proactive in closing the distance between them.

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(Last edited time: May 14, 2024, 8:29 p.m.)

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