Munechika Nakatsugawa
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Munechika Nakatsugawa

中津川 宗近(なかつがわ むねちか), Munechika Nakatsugawa, 中津川宗近
Gender: Male
Original Name: 中津川 宗近(なかつがわ むねちか)


A member of the crew of . A man who claims to have 100 wives (whether they are 3D or not is unknown), commonly known as .
He was also the representative of a famous circle under the pen name MUNECHIUKA, and is quite a celebrity in the otaku industry.
In the anime version, there is also a scene where he holds a globe, a gag related to his voice actor Go✩Jas.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 12:50 p.m.)

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