Makoto Takiya

Makoto Takiya

滝谷 真(たきや まこと), 瀧谷真
Gender: Male
Voice Actor: Yuuichi Nakamura

Character Introduction

A male colleague of Ms. Kobayashi and one of her few friends. He lives alone in an apartment and ends up housing Fafnir, who decided to move to the human world. He is gentle and sociable, handling his work as efficiently as Ms. Kobayashi, earning the favor of female colleagues. However, his true self is a hidden otaku, disguising his nerdy side with a good-natured exterior. In private, he transforms into an intense otaku, wearing thick glasses and adding "yansu" to his speech. He has a deep knowledge of maid culture, enough to engage in heated debates with Ms. Kobayashi, and is a member of the major Comiket circle "Suiryudo," actively participating in creative activities. He is the one who influenced Fafnir to adopt otaku habits.
As a friend of Ms. Kobayashi, who has started interacting with dragons, he also begins to engage with residents of other worlds, showing remarkable composure in accepting the situation. He is considerate, offering support to Ms. Kobayashi and understanding the difficult nature of Fafnir, building a candid relationship with Ms. Kobayashi, whom he describes as "like a male friend." This openness often draws jealousy and hostility from Tohru.
He enjoys being part of the community centered around Ms. Kobayashi and Tohru, often taking actions to maintain the community, such as organizing social gatherings for dragons. The author reveals that he is a typical good-natured person who tries to be convenient for others, similar to Ms. Kobayashi, who reads the room. Despite this, he also analyzes the dangers of interacting with other worlds, warning dragons about the risks of impulsive actions due to different worldviews.
He shows no fear or calculation in dealing with the formidable dragon Fafnir, treating him purely as a friend. This genuine approach earns Fafnir's recognition and gradually changes his perception of humans. He calls Fafnir "Faf-kun," creating a situation where he could enforce a strong master-servant contract, but he does not exercise this right. Tohru finds it curious that he has built a fairly close relationship without using force.
Anime version: Various everyday scenes with Fafnir are depicted, such as deciding who washes the dinner dishes based on game outcomes and improving a bullet-hell STG doujin game for Comiket with Fafnir's advice, showing their surprisingly harmonious life. He also demonstrates his attentiveness by understanding Fafnir's preferences.
Spin-off works: In "Kanna's Daily Life," his otaku discussions with Fafnir influence Kanna, who listens nearby. In "Elma's Office Lady Diary," Elma describes him as "like a priest" when asked about her impression of Takiya by a colleague.

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(Last edited time: Aug. 13, 2024, 6:18 p.m.)

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