Mikie Okamine
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Mikie Okamine

岡峰 美紀恵(おかみね みきえ), Mikie Okamine, 冈峰美纪惠
Original Name: 岡峰 美紀恵(おかみね みきえ)


Another protagonist of "Date A Strike". A new recruit assigned to the AST Amamiya base, holding the rank of Private Second Class. Although one year younger than Shidou and the others, due to a higher-up's policy of having her work alongside Origami, she has skipped a grade and transferred to Raizen High School. Ryouko and Mildred call her "Mike" as a nickname. Due to her childish personality and behavior, she is often teased by Ryouko.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 4:48 p.m.)

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