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万由里(まゆり), Mayuri, 万由里
Original Name: 万由里(まゆり)


Original character from the movie "Mayuri Judgment". A girl with a side ponytail who quietly casts her gaze at Shido. She wears a high school uniform different from Raizen High School and Rindouji Girls' Academy.
She exists due to the system of this world, known as "System Kerub," and for certain reasons, she has been monitoring Shido and others, which unknowingly led her to jealousy and the manifestation and rampage of an angel.
The manifesting angel, "Thunder Sanctuary (Kerubiel)," resembles a large black sphere with wings and gears, a combination of a birdcage and a tank. It controls lightning, and the gears act as remote-controlled weapons, transforming into five different forms for attack purposes. Immediately after manifestation, the "Eagle" form allows it to track enemies with lightning strikes from its wings, the "Bull" form shoots concentrated lightning between horns that appear on the sphere, the "Lion" form fires bolts of lightning from hexagonal holes on the sphere, the "Human" form shoots small-scale lightning in 360 degrees from numerous eyes that open on the sphere, and it further reconstructs itself into a final attack form combining the other four forms with a drill-like tip specialized for attack. In its final attack form, it emits a spiritual energy beam "Rahat Herlev" from the tip, capable of turning the ground into a scorched wasteland in an instant. It is also highly durable in defense, with even the maximum firepower of "Fraxinus's" "Mistilteinn" or the largest scale attack by a single spirit being unable to destroy it; only a concentrated attack by several spirits can inflict damage, but as long as the supply of spiritual power is not cut off, it will continue to regenerate. To completely destroy it, a concentrated attack and cutting off the supply of spiritual power must be performed simultaneously. Additionally, when Tooka was supplied with spiritual power, she manifested a sword different from the other spirits' angels, called "Shekinah," but when Mayuri herself wields it, it manifests as a bow and arrow.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 5:05 p.m.)

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