Himekawa Yoshino
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Himekawa Yoshino

氷芽川 四糸乃(ひめかわ よしの), Himekawa Yoshino, 冰芽川四糸乃
Gender: Female
Original Name: 氷芽川 四糸乃(ひめかわ よしの)


The second spirit. She appears as a girl around 13 or 14 years old, with light blue hair and azure eyes, and wears a comical rabbit puppet on her left hand that has an eyepatch. She has an extremely docile personality and does not retaliate even when attacked by the AST, always fleeing instead. As a result, despite her frequent appearances, she is considered a relatively low-risk spirit.
In reality, she has a dual personality: her original personality, Yoshino, and "Yoshinon," a talkative, joke-loving persona that emerges only when she wears the puppet. Yoshino is extremely shy and can barely speak in front of others. However, she also despises hurting others above all else, enduring attacks from AST members who try to kill her and creating her ideal persona, "Yoshinon," to avoid harming them.
Her code name is "Hermit." Her spirit gear is a raincoat-like garment with a green base pattern (presumably because it repels water in the rain), featuring a large hood with pink buttons and seams, big bunny ears, and a white tail with a pink ribbon hanging from the bottom of the garment. She wears green boots with white ribbons. Her spirit gear, "Divine Gear No. 4 (El)," is a hermit type. Her manifested angel is a giant rabbit doll, "Zadkiel," over 3 meters tall, which can manipulate cold air and exhale super-cold breath. The spirit-infused cold air can freeze not only bullets and shells but also non-physical domains and even laser edges. She can also shoot numerous ice bullets and create barriers. Additionally, Yoshino can freeze the rain she causes, encasing the entire city in ice within minutes. However, as long as Yoshino is present, it continuously rains, and if left unchecked, the accumulation of ice could crush shelters and the city itself. Yoshino herself has the ability to freely manipulate water, shooting it like bullets. She also has "Frost Armor (Shiryon)," which releases a giant "Zadkiel" and focuses the cold air like armor. In snowy conditions, such as on snowy mountains or during snowfall, she can manipulate snow.
Like Tooka, when "Yoshinon" is removed or her mental state becomes unstable, the spirit's power backfires, causing rain and freezing phenomena around her. At the same time, when she wants to help Shidou, she manifests her spirit gear and angel, albeit incompletely. Before her spirit power was sealed, "Zadkiel" only roared like a beast, but after the sealing, "Yoshinon's" personality inexplicably took over the incomplete "Zadkiel." The former occurred when "Yoshinon's" puppet was not at hand, and the latter when she properly held it, but the details are unclear.

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(Last edited time: May 4, 2024, 5:39 p.m.)

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