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イカロス, Ikaros, 伊卡洛斯
Gender: Female
Original Name: イカロス


An unidentified creature fell from the sky. Its true identity is the strategic (tactical strategy) Angeloid Type Alpha "Ikaros." She appears as a girl with white angelic wings. After being chained to Tomoki on the ground, she refers to him as "Master" (meaning "my birdcage"). Her wings' feathers absorb water and become heavy, so she cannot swim, but she can walk on the seabed due to her resistance to water pressure. The ornaments attached to her ears are exhaust ports. When they first met, her memory and thoughts were protected, and she claimed to be a "pet-type" Angeloid, with sparse emotional expressions, almost doll-like.
She completely lacks common sense and is naturally airheaded. Her principle of action, which does not distinguish between good and evil, prioritizes "service to Master." She participates in his misdeeds, and on trivial matters, she harbors a destructive impulse towards people who trouble him, which Tomoki himself has to stop. This makes her a dangerous element in both comedic and serious aspects. She also does not know moderation or limits, transferring to Sorami Junior High at Nymph's invitation, strafing the ground with a Gatling gun during a summer festival survival game, and destroying zoo cages to please Tomoki, showing her extravagant actions. At heart, she is kind and puts Tomoki first. When sent on her first errand by Tomoki, she took a liking to watermelons and has since cherished them, showing a strong attachment to watermelons.
Her armaments include "Artemis," "Aegis," "Hephaistos," and "APOLLON," and she has a core of variable wings. She also has excellent self-repair abilities. In the TV anime version, the "Uranus System," which was only a setting in the original, is also activated.

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(Last edited time: June 15, 2024, 7:06 p.m.)

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