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ニンフ, Nymph, 妮姆芙
Gender: Female
Original Name: ニンフ


The second Angeloid to descend to Earth, the electronic warfare Angeloid Type β (Beta) "Nymph" (ニンフ), is a petite girl with fairy-like wings and blue hair tied in twin tails. Sent to retrieve Ikaros, she initially reveals to Tomoki that Ikaros is the "Queen of the Sky" and cruelly torments her. However, as she lives with them, she is influenced by Ikaros's desire for a happy life and the kindness of Tomoki and his friends, eventually shifting her affections to Tomoki and deciding to betray her cruel master.
Nymph enjoys eating sweets, particularly candy apples and cotton candy at festivals, and has a fondness for watching daytime soap operas about affairs. Unlike Ikaros, she is hopelessly bad at domestic tasks like ear cleaning, once even dangerously poking an earpick into Tomoki's ear.
Due to her Angeloid nature, she often seeks orders from others, which worries Tomoki, who she grows to have romantic feelings for. Initially, she called Tomoki "earthworm," but later starts calling him by his name, Tomoki.
Originally developed for electronic warfare against humans invading Synapse, she has high emotional control and computing abilities, though her combat capabilities are not as high as other combat Angeloids. Her armament includes the ultrasonic vibrator "paradise=song" (パラダイス=ソング), which is not very powerful. She also has a "P=stealth system" and high-performance radar.

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(Last edited time: June 15, 2024, 7:08 p.m.)

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