Mikari Tachibana
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Mikari Tachibana

橘美花莉(たちばな みかり), Mikari Tachibana, 橘美花莉
Gender: Female
Original Name: 橘美花莉(たちばな みかり)


She attends the same school as Okumura and is a female student one year junior to him. She first appeared as a first-year high school student and is a classmate of Lilysa. She is an active popular model who even appears on TV, and her nickname is Mikarin. She has a genius face. In the past, she was bullied due to the nature of her hair but was saved by Okumura. Since then, she has had a crush on Okumura for over ten years. Among Lilysa's cosplay friends, she is considered the sensible one, but when it comes to Okumura, she often acts recklessly, getting overly excited or upset by his remarks, and if he agrees, she is the first to accept even the cosplay characters she initially opposed.

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(Last edited time: April 28, 2024, 7:04 a.m.)

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