Hougetsu Shimamura
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Hougetsu Shimamura

島村 抱月(しまむら ほうげつ), Hougetsu Shimamura, 岛村抱月
Gender: Female
Original Name: 島村 抱月(しまむら ほうげつ)


Another protagonist of this work, a first-year high school student at the start of the story. She has long, chestnut-dyed hair and is right-handed. Compared to Adachi, she is shorter and has a petite build, but she is well-proportioned. Tarumi and Adachi imagine a "cat" when they think of Shimamura. She believes Adachi is more beautiful than herself and thinks any compliment on her looks from Adachi is just flattery.
She is dissatisfied that her surname sounds like the hiragana "しまむら" when others call her, and she wishes her surname was something like Shimazaki. Tarumi calls her "Shima-chan," and only her family calls her by her first name.
She has a lazy personality and, although not to the extent of Adachi, skips classes because she finds them bothersome. Unlike Adachi, she doesn't dwell much on her past words and actions. She was innocent and cheerful until elementary school, but became indifferent to everything and uninterested in people or things during a certain period in middle school, leading to her current personality. Before meeting Adachi, she only maintained superficial relationships, but since meeting Adachi, she has started taking initiatives like inviting her out.
In middle school, she was part of the basketball team and practiced diligently, but she quit because she felt she wasn't suited for team play.
She lives with her younger sister and parents, a family of four. She mostly resembles her mother, but her slightly airheaded nature is thought by her mother to come from her father.

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(Last edited time: June 11, 2024, 11:52 a.m.)

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