Foyal Migusteau
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Foyal Migusteau

フォヤル・ミグストー, Foyal Migusteau, 弗亚尔·米古斯托
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Original Name: フォヤル・ミグストー


Magic Rank - Zero Rank
A 25-year-old born on October 28. He is 182cm tall. His blood type is AB. He likes dim places and lightly flavored fish dishes. His magic attribute is "Mist".
He is a subordinate of Zenon, a slender man with wavy long hair. He is an arrogant character who calls himself a genius, empowered by the pitch-black tripolarity.
As a user of "Mist Magic", he combines the power of the devil to spread mist over a wide area, making it impossible to detect his own position, creating multiple illusions of himself, and enabling attacks from a wide range. However, due to the nature of the mist, his compatibility with Yuno's wind magic, which blows away the mist, is poor.
He targets the wizards of the underworld, and together with Zenon and Gaderoa, he attacks the Golden Dawn's hideout, killing the members one after another, and continues to attack Klaus's steel magic unilaterally. Just before he was about to finish off the severely wounded Klaus, Yuno, who had blown away the mist and intruded, restrained him with the Mist Spirit Seal Hand, but as a result, his position was revealed, and he was defeated by Klaus's all-out attack after being stripped of the mist around him by Letua's Another Atlas.
List of Magic
Mist Creation Magic
Mist Spirit Seal Hand (Muryou Fushu)
Captures the opponent with countless hands made of mist.

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(Last edited time: June 27, 2024, 5:33 p.m.)

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