Tsukumo Kamiki
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Tsukumo Kamiki

神木 月雲(かみき つくも), Tsukumo Kamiki, 神木月云
Original Name: 神木 月雲(かみき つくも)


Izumo's younger sister. When Tamamo went berserk, she was captured by the Illuminati as a spare along with Izumo.
After being adopted through Maria's efforts, she was taken in as the adopted daughter of the president of Takara Computer Entertainment. She now goes by the name Takara Tsukiko and is cousins with Nemu. She was separated from Izumo at the age of three, and having not met her for five years since then, she no longer remembers having a sister.

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(Last edited time: May 12, 2024, 3:50 p.m.)

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