Sadayuki Mizoguchi
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Sadayuki Mizoguchi

溝口 貞幸(みぞぐち さだゆき), Sadayuki Mizoguchi, 沟口贞幸
Gender: Male
Original Name: 溝口 貞幸(みぞぐち さだゆき)


Recent worry: "I find myself saying 'kids these days...' and I feel like I'm getting old" / Age: 31
Coach of the Aoba Johsai High School volleyball team.
During practice and practice matches, he often scolds Kunimi for his energy-saving style. During a practice match against Karasuno High School, he regretted not having recruited Kageyama after seeing his evolved playing style.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:01 p.m.)

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