Hiroki Kurokawa
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Hiroki Kurokawa

黒川 広樹(くろかわ ひろき), Hiroki Kurokawa, 黑川广树
Original Name: 黒川 広樹(くろかわ ひろき)


Height: 183.2 cm / Weight: 76.9 kg
Former captain of the Karasuno High School boys' volleyball team (before Sawamura).
Known as "Kurokawa of Hisashi Middle School" since his middle school days, he was a skilled player. When Ennoshita (then a first-year) who had skipped practice returned, Sawamura (then a second-year) tried to accept him unconditionally. However, believing that being kind alone was not enough, he told him, "If you want to practice, go get changed." He also traveled to Tokyo to support Karasuno during the Spring High tournament.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:07 p.m.)

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