Yamato Sarukui
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Yamato Sarukui

猿杙 大和(さるくい やまと), Yamato Sarukui, 猿杙大和
Original Name: 猿杙 大和(さるくい やまと)


Height: 181.5 cm / Weight: 74.2 kg / Highest jump reach: 328 cm / Birthday: August 2 / Favorite food: Grated daikon radish / Recent concern: Being told "Don't laugh" even when not laughing
A third-year WS at Fukurodani Academy High School. His jersey number is 3. After graduating from high school, he works at a ward office in Tokyo.
Kuroo calls him "Monkey."
His name is derived from the Japanese giant flying squirrel.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:34 p.m.)

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