Kiyoko Shimizu
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Kiyoko Shimizu

清水 潔子(しみず きよこ), Kiyoko Shimizu, 清水洁子
Gender: Female
Original Name: 清水 潔子(しみず きよこ)


Height: 166.2 cm / Weight: 51.4 kg / Birthday: January 6 / Favorite Food: Tenmusu / Recent Concern: Whether to choose Jagariko or Jagabee for snacks
A third-year student serving as the manager of the Karasuno High School boys' volleyball team.
Characterized by her long black hair, glasses, and black tights she wears throughout the year regardless of the season. She is a beauty that captivates not only players from other schools but also those around her, including Tanaka and Nishinoya, and many are smitten with her, such as Yamamoto from Nekoma, to whom she completely ignores even when spoken to.
She is taciturn but an efficient and capable manager. She harbors a passionate feeling for the volleyball team, which she keeps close to her heart, and after the inter-high prefectural qualifiers, she went around the first-year classrooms to recruit new managers. She is somewhat awkward and not very expressive, but she started to show smiles after Yachi joined the team. On the day Hinata, Kageyama, and Tsukishima returned from their respective training camps, she felt "peaceful" watching Hinata and Kageyama's argument (happy that it was the usual Karasuno volleyball team).
In middle school, she was part of the track and field club and competed in hurdles but was not an outstanding athlete and often fell. After entering high school, she did not join the track team but was persuaded by Sawamura to join the volleyball team as a manager, a decision made out of fear of being on the "front line" as a player. Initially, she viewed the volleyball team's battles as someone else's concern, but gradually, she awakened to the fight on the "front line" as a manager and energetically worked on recruiting new managers to pass on to the next generation. After graduating from high school, she became a sports shop clerk and married Tanaka, changing her name to Kiyoko Tanaka. Her hairstyle has become shorter.

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(Last edited time: June 16, 2024, 7:09 p.m.)

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