Rachel Phantomhive
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Rachel Phantomhive

レイチェル・ファントムハイヴ, Rachel Phantomhive, 瑞秋·凡多姆海威
Gender: Female
Original Name: レイチェル・ファントムハイヴ


Ciel's mother.
A beautiful woman with flaxen hair. In life, she was frail and asthmatic, but her personality was cheerful and easygoing. It is said that she had a similar atmosphere to her sister, Madame Red. She had happy days married to Vincent, but three years ago, she was brutally murdered along with her husband.
In the anime version
She is brutally murdered by Angela. Her body is stitched together with Vincent's face, shocking Ciel in his memories. Later, appearing in Ciel's altered memories by Angela, she, along with Vincent, attempts to purify Ciel but is rejected just before succeeding and vanishes along with Vincent.

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(Last edited time: April 8, 2024, 10:25 p.m.)

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