Irene Diaz
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Irene Diaz

アイリーン・ディアス, Irene Diaz, 爱莲・戴亚斯
Original Name: アイリーン・ディアス


Opera singer. A guest invited to a formal dinner party.
A beautiful woman with the talent and beauty to fill the National Theatre to capacity. She attends the dinner party with her secret boyfriend, Grimsby. Although she looks young, she is actually 12 years older than Grimsby and drinks red perilla extract as part of her anti-aging regimen.
After the "Phantomhive Manor Murders" arc, she appears in a short story where her carriage goes out of control and overturns, and she is saved by Sebastian. This leads to her becoming the face of a new product advertisement for the Phantomhive company. At that time, it is revealed that she has broken up with Grimsby and has a new lover.

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(Last edited time: April 8, 2024, 10:20 p.m.)

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