Gregory Violet
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Gregory Violet

グレゴリー・バイオレット, Gregory Violet, 格雷戈利·拜欧雷特
Original Name: グレゴリー・バイオレット


The prefect of the "Violet Wolf" dormitory (Purple Dormitory), a gloomy young man who embodies the Purple Dormitory, known for its collection of students with strong individualities and excellence in the arts. He always wears his hood deep over his eyes and has an extreme dislike for people. He possesses a genius talent for painting and is often found drawing something. In the story, he makes Greenhill pose in unreasonable positions as his model, but in reality, he is mocking him by drawing a different motif. Regarding the incident with Derrick a year ago, he covered for Greenhill's impulsive murder by blocking the exits so that no one could escape. In the "Blue Cult Arc," he was the only one among the four who knew about the secret bloodletting at the music hall, as he himself was a rare "Sirius" blood type holder. However, he turned a blind eye to protect his friends' smiles and continued to provide blood, even causing himself to suffer from anemia.

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(Last edited time: April 8, 2024, 11:01 p.m.)

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