Yō Shikada
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Yō Shikada

鹿田 ヨウ, Yō Shikada, 鹿田洋, しかだ ヨウ
Gender: Male
Original Name: 鹿田 ヨウ


Kokonotsu's father and the eighth-generation owner of the Shikada Dagashi. He is always scheming to get Kokonotsu to take over the store, but all his plans end in vain. He is knowledgeable about trivia related to dagashi and is a celebrity in the industry and a well-known eccentric in town. He is muscular and can make character faces with the muscles on his back. Like his son, he is a fan of busty women.
He gets along very well with Hotaru, as they both scheme for Kokonotsu's succession.
He has some problematic behaviors, such as pushing the storekeeping onto Kokonotsu and slacking off, or eating all the newly arrived products without displaying them. His wife (Kokonotsu's mother) has returned to her parents' home for some reason, but Tamai says, "My wife ran away from me."

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(Last edited time: June 26, 2024, 12:34 p.m.)

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