Tō Endō
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Tō Endō

遠藤 豆, Tō Endō, 远藤豆, えんどう とう
Gender: Male
Original Name: 遠藤 豆


Kokonotsu's friend. Saya's twin brother.
He always wears sunglasses, and Hotaru thinks of him as "cosplaying as a sour grape with sunglasses?" He often teases Saya and gets punched as a result, but he is fundamentally caring about his sister's love life. Like his sister, he has a bit of a complex towards .
In the story, he is often seen playing with handheld gaming devices or card games. He is not good at physical labor, but he spares no effort when it comes to matters involving women.

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(Last edited time: June 26, 2024, 12:33 p.m.)

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