Herman Greenhill
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Herman Greenhill

ハーマン・グリーンヒル, Herman Greenhill, 韩曼·格里希尔
Original Name: ハーマン・グリーンヒル


The supervisor of the "Green Lion" dormitory (Green Dormitory), embodying the spirit of the Green Dormitory, which gathers students with excellent physical abilities and overflowing sportsmanship. A fine young man with a gentlemanly personality, who styles his hair slicked back and is weak around women. He considers Edward Midford as a younger brother in the dormitory, who admires him greatly. Always carrying a cricket racket, he has sworn never to resort to violence. He impulsively beat Derrick to death a year ago, feeling no remorse for his actions. With the support of the other P4 members, he continued to beat all of Agares and Derrick's associates to death. In the "Blue Cult Arc," he invites Edward to the Sophia Music Hall, setting the stage for Lizzy's disappearance.

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