Sekijiro Kan
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Sekijiro Kan

ブラドキング / 管 赤慈郎(かん せきじろう), Sekijiro Kan, 管赤慈郎
Original Name: ブラドキング / 管 赤慈郎(かん せきじろう)


Blood Hero. Homeroom teacher of Class 1-B. A muscular man with fangs protruding from his lower jaw and a cross-shaped scar on his left cheek. He is hot-blooded and sees Class 1-A as rivals. Due to their long association, he interprets Hound Dog's dog language. "Quirk": Blood Control. He can freely manipulate his own blood.

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(Last edited time: April 25, 2024, 6:50 p.m.)

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